airbnb optimization

AirBnB design and staging is so often looked at as an expense rather than an investment. I know that when I shop for an AirBnB I am always going to choose the one that looks cooler in the photographs, than the one that looks basic. That’s just a fact, and I know that many people shop for them the same way I do, on the first visual. Given that, I can confidently say that an AirBnB that has had the space designed and optimized for the guests visual pleasure and comfort will earn more money for the owner/operator 100% of the time, than a space that is just filled with hand-me-down furniture and presents as a drab, boring, basic place to lay your head down at night.

When taking a trip, the excitement is in the air during the planning phase, and (at least in my group of friends) we are all giving our votes on which place we think is THE CUTEST. We say that so many times, once I noticed we say that, I started paying attention and it’s a running theme “omg that one is so cute!”. We have spent many trips in hotels, we just don’t get the excitement the same way.

The AirBnB’s are so much more localized to what we are doing! Not to mention more affordable depending on sleeping arrangements, and I love waking up to make breakfast in the kitchen, have coffee with my buddies. But overarchingly, for me, is the LOOK. Maybe because I am an interior designer. But even my non-design friends appreciate the vibe, the feel, the style of the well-designed AirBnB.

We are not finding cheap paper towels, plastic throw-away soap dispensers, cracked pleather sofas that look to have come from a bachelor pad, cheap looking rickety tables. We are finding location specific items that make sense. Cozy flannel blankets in front of a fireplace on a Mountain Cabin Trip. Chaise Lounges and Floating Flamingos and Desert Oasis themed everything at a mid-century beauty in Palm Springs. Funky murals and Boho vibes in Joshua Tree. Local Coffee and iconic photography of nearby landmarks and a color scheme to match the local foliage in Portland.

The aware AirBnB operator knows that if the photographs convey the right look, make people excited to book a stay at their location, just from the photos, the place itself must be amazing! That translates into more bookings, commanding higher rates, 5 star reviews, and the trend keeps going. 

And to get those picture-perfect looks, the investment in design and staging of your AirBnB is important. No, you do not want to go overboard on high quality furniture, people will eventually put some wear and tear on it. But you can design with style and quality, while avoiding “luxury” pieces. It can still look SO CUTE.

The bulk of items I used in the most recent AirBnB I designed were from Wayfair, Amazon and local shops. None of it was ridiculously expensive, all of it was adorable (if you’re a professional shopper like me, it’s easy to pull the look together!) and in less than 5 days, the owner got the longest booking she had ever received, tripled her rates and began collecting 5 star reviews from every subsequent guest. Her past reviews were in the 3 star range, mostly because the place was pretty basic, cold looking, not exciting to stay in, it was a budget traveler location. People that stayed there were staying for the cheapest price, not for the experience

We can’t deny, that beauty is on the surface, and in getting your AirBnB booked, constantly and at the rates you’d like to charge, that surface has got to look GOOD. That being said, investing into the design and staging of your AirBnB can get it where it needs to be, and I would also highly recommend professional photos. The difference between your cellphone pics and the small investment in professional real-estate photos is immense. No matter how hard you try with lighting and the .5 feature on your phone, it won’t look like a pro pic. It’s worth it. Think of it the same way you would, if staging your home for sale. You want it to look amazing online so you get more potential buyers coming through…in this case you want those potential guests to click on your AirBnB listing and rent it from you.

 Investing in a professional Airbnb interior designer should be looked at as a part of doing business. It’s likely a once every 5 year need, you will increase your rates and bookings right off the bat and enjoy more income for several years before needing to replace a few things, update to keep up with current trends, etc.

 Small price to pay, to increase your Return on Investment, for several years. Optimize that AirBnB to Maximize your profits! Plus, it’s rewarding to see the beautiful photos and know that you own that property and people choose it over all the others because you made it shine!


Pantone color of the year 2024 - peach fuzz